Tips for Sticking to an Exercise Routine

Isabelle Jackson

Getting motivated to start exercising can be easy, perhaps you have a goal in mind, or it's the start of a new year. However, that feeling often wears off quickly, and it can become increasingly harder to stick to your routine and attend that exercise class or go to the gym. If you’re in this position or you’re worried about losing your motivation to exercise, this article can help. We have some tips that will help you push through those challenging days when you just want to give up.

Don’t rush to join a gym

The gym is the first place you think of when considering improving your physical fitness and getting into exercise. However, for many people, gyms can be boring and uninspiring; if this sounds like you, then joining a gym isn’t likely to last. For other people, the gym is perfect for keeping fit, but this only tends to be the case if they enjoy spending time in the gym. You can choose many other options to improve your physical fitness and increase the amount you exercise. Consider your strengths and hobbies and what you’ve enjoyed in the past. If you love to dance, you’ll find you’re much more likely to keep going to a regular dance class rather than the gym. Or you might enjoy climbing and other more adventurous activities; if this is the case, look for local climbing clubs and indoor walls you can use to build up your level of strength and fitness. Exercise should be enjoyable; this will make it much easier to keep it up, even on the more challenging days. 

Keep an eye on your progress

When you realise you’re improving your skills and getting better at an activity, it helps to keep you motivated to continue. There are several ways you can keep an eye on your progress, depending on your activities. If you’re lifting weights at the gym, make a note of the amount of weight you can lift and how many reps you can complete. Over time you should see this increase. If you’re participating in something that’s harder to record, such as a dance class, you could video yourself at different intervals. Alternatively, it might be enough to know that you’re getting better and can tackle more complicated challenges, which is often the case when you’re doing activities such as climbing or dancing. Either way keeping an eye on your progress will help you stay motivated to continue your exercise routine. 

Get the right equipment 

From the start of your exercise programme, you should have the proper clothing and equipment for the activity you’re planning on doing. Spending money on things such as suitable clothes, shoes, a sports water bottle, and any other equipment you might need will put you in a good position from day 1. If you put off buying the right equipment, you might give up on the activity prematurely, as you don’t have the necessary items. Also, the fact that you already have everything you need and you’ve spent the money in advance can often be a motivator in itself. 

Team up with a friend

Staying motivated to be physically active can be challenging alone, but when you do the activity with a friend, it often feels much more effortless. You will spur each other on to attend a class or the gym when the other has a slip in their motivation. The key to exercising with a friend is finding an activity that you both enjoy and something that will fit into your schedule. Dragging a friend along to a class they’re not interested in won’t last long, and you’ll end up having to go alone or potentially giving up yourself. 

Get back on track

There may be times when you need to take a break from your exercise routine, such as a holiday or an illness. It’s essential to make sure you get back on track when you have a break; otherwise, you might find your break results in you giving up the activity or exercise routine altogether. Breaks are fine and sometimes necessary as long as you get back on track as soon as possible afterwards.